Monday, August 07, 2006

One Chance in a Lifetime

I have often wondered how to go about telling you everything I feel, everything that I want you to know and believe about love and the world and beauty and happiness. I have not as yet found the perfect words or gestures to convey all that my heart holds for you. How can you ever know the pleasure your life brings to me. The satisfied feeling that I get from your smile. The rage that boils over in my soul when you are hurt or mistreated. I know I have been hard on you, but the hardness was born of intense love. I want such a greatness for your life, not of money or power but of all the things that really matter. I will give you anything that I can to help you fullfill your dreams.

I give you my inner strength
I give you my endurance
I give you my wisdom, born of adversity
I give you my courage
I give you my confidence
I give you my heart, my love, my soul, my spirit...

Everything that is precious to me, I give to you. I will be an empty shell if it means you will be the person I know you are deep inside yourself.

I love you
I love you
I love you

Always and forever, no matter what.

"In her own sweet world,
populated by dolls and clowns and a prince
and a big purple bear.
Lives my favorite girl,
unaware of the worried frowns that weary grown-ups all wear.
In the sun she dances to silent music,
songs that were spun of gold somwhere in her own little head.
One day all too soon,
she'll grow up and she'll leave her dolls
and her prince and her silly old bear.
When she goes they will cry as they wisper goodbye.
They will miss her, I fear
but then, so will I."

Gene Lees


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