Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Anna's Picnic

Anna's picnic was a simple affair
that first spring day
with the wildflowers stretching
upward after a long rest
And the kisses that landed
lightly on her cheeks
and lips like the misty morning dew
clean and sweet

Then every spring
steady as a calendar
life came to that spot
the one with the windmill
and the grass that the children
rolled on while kisses landed
on cheeks and lips
more firmly now planted
like the trees steady and strong

Breath turned to sigh
and children had children
who planted kisses of their own
every spring
for a day that was grand
and full with water and life
blossoming tender

It's true, you know,
what they say
about the whispers of love
that echo in the turning
of the mill
and if you stand upon the grass
and stretch upward as the flowers do
you can hear the laughter
of children and feel kisses
land lightly and you can know
that Anna smiles.


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