Thursday, November 18, 2004

The more things change, the more they stay the same

I was thinking today about the ebb and flow of our lives. How all things change and move and grow in a physical sense, but also in a spiritual and emotional one as well. My children for instance are maturing into some of the finest people I know, but sometimes as I'm scratching their back or serving them dinner or kissing them goodnight, I see them as they have been since the time that they were born. I see a little baby wrapped up warmly against the cold. I see a todler falling over, a 5th grader in the school spelling bee... I see them all, all at once in my minds' eye.
In my daughter, I see myself. In my eyes I see my mother and her mother before her. Time is the sun around which our lives orbit and the dynamic of change is the energy that controlls it's tide. Many of my relationships have changed and grown and died in these last years, and as the change is inevitable I am comforted by the thought that everything is as it should be. I could be a better person, I could acomplish more goals, love more deeply, forgive more freely. You name it. Life just is what it is.
So why do we struggle against it? Why do we allow ourselves to be overcome and washhed away. Someday, maybe tommorrow, I will cease to exist here on this planet. The dying often times come to a place of peace and letting go, I have come to this place too. Instead of finding deppression and loss I have found a place of joy and deep beauty and grattitude.

I love my life, whatever it chooses to be, and I'm greatful it is what it is...

Thank you...
Mom, Dad, Frances, Uncle Tim, All my Grandparents, Mrs. Garbanati, Zach, Chance, Mason, Dewey, Fran, Patti, Holli, Renee, Theresa, Sue, Chelley, Susan Freberg, Richard, Mark, David and Holly Watson, my special brother James, Tom Dahlstrom, Wyane Atkinson, Don and Wanda Walding, Lee and Elsie Eyer, Kermit and Beverly Hollingsworth, Rachel and Jason and Hannah, Jane and Henry and Charles and Ernest and all the rest I don't know yet, Tim, Brenda, Greg and Jennifer and Zach and Sam, Tyron and Ronny and Sylvia, Kathy and Robert Wheeler, Nadine Armstrong, Steven Goldstien, and especially Morgan my best friend.

All of you have taught me in a pivital way just what I needed to help me become who I am at this moment, and I am greatful...


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