Thursday, May 26, 2005

Life and Times

Standing there on that hot August afternoon Will felt alone and dirty. Wranglin' for a living was hard work here in the southwest and he was just plain sick of being hot. The monsoon was late in comming this year and that ment no rain for quite sometime now. He got to thinkin' about the future and the endless line of days ahead of him that seemed to stretch into a dull listless and boring life. Each day pretty much the same as before. Walking down Main street headed for the cafe to get a bite of supper he stopped outside the window of the general store. Boy howdy he was a sight covered from the top of his head to the tips of his spurs in dust, you could almost tell he was wearing chaps under all that dirt. Well, almost. Looking at his reflection in that window he took off his hat and started brushing off as much of the dirt as he could. Not making much in the way of progress he stopped, put his hat back on and headed down the street again. That's when he saw her. Lookin' like she had just stepped out of the JC Penny catalog, she was the prettiest young thing he had ever seen. He noticed her hair first thing, soft and silky. It was hanging loose down her back in beautiful auburn waves. It reminded him of a beautiful chestnut gelding he had when he was ten years old. Watching her, there, he was simply overwhelmed with that shadow of loneliness always on him, and it seemed there was a lifetime of longing built up in his arms just then. Longin' to wrap his hands around her waist and pull her close. Desiring to smell her hair and kiss her long and hard, stringing kisses together like a diamond necklace on her neck. Without thinking he tried to barge ahead but his legs were wobly and he couldn't walk straight. Catching up to her he finaly got up the nerve to tap her on the shoulder.
"Beg your pardon Ma'am."
Just then she turned and he was speechless. He noticed for the first time how clean she was and this close to her he could smell her perfume. Her eyes were the truest blue he'd ever seen framed by dark lashes and freckles dancin' all across her nose. Pale white skin and soft like velvet. Forgetting himself and feeling a little ashamed of being so dirty he hesitated. Her eyes looked him up and down, he watched her as the shadows of the silk parasol she carried cast shadows on her face, making her even more lovely. Gathering his courage he remembered his Pa, "there's no shame in hard work son." that's what he would say. Standing tall under her gaze and meeting her eyes he spoke, "My name is Will, ma'am. William Puckett. I'd be much obliged to make your aquaintance." Remembering he had forgotten to remove his hat he yerked it off quickly, a trail of dust scattered in the air as he stood waiting for her response...


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