There's no place like Home...
I'm filled with happiness at the thought
that my home faces the east, turning
like a flower toward the life and energy of the sun.
Home, you know, is where the heart is
and mine is full of new beginnings even now
durring these days of mid-life, hanging
precariously over a precipiece by my little toe.
Everyday I notice some new place to explore
illuminated and filled with that warmth that tempts
you to rid yourself of all your clothes
standing truthfully, awkwardly
tingling as each ray touches lightly your skin
before bouncing back to the place from which it came.
I open my door and stand in the presence of morning
walking forward boldly, wantonly.
"I'm a great starter of things" I tell my friends.
How appropriate it is in the scheme of things
that my home faces the east.
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