Sunday, November 28, 2004

Am I doing this right?

Okay, so, I quit my job today.

You know, lots of reasons... But I'm really thinking, "can I afford it?" Why is it that money is so damn important? I mean I tell myself that it's not and I don't need any more than I have, but am I really telling the truth? If I am, then why am I afraid I've done something wrong? So, no more movies or maybe not so much eating out, beyond that my income doesn't affect the household that much. I just get the feeling I should be contributing more...

Being a grown up is hard.


Blogger Steven said...

I suppose it really depends on why you were working in the first place, and why you decided to leave.
If, as you say, your income was not going towards the household, then there is nothing to feel bad about for quitting your job. Oh, and your comment about wanting to contribute more is overlooking the fact that as the Mother and Wife, you are fulfulling a very important position. Providing your family with strength and wisdom when they need it. Keeping the peace when the kids are too absorbed in thier own worlds to see that they are acting like...ahem...children.
As I see it, you have a full time gig. It just isn't taxable by Uncle Sam (yet).

7:29 PM  
Blogger The Paradoxical Pariah said...

Thanks Steven,
That hit the spot.

8:07 PM  

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