Monday, February 21, 2005

Magical Metamorphasis

Rolling out of bed with a hang-over and trying to make it to the toilet before vomitting has become such a habit. It seems these days that it's the norm instead of the exception. Thinking about it, comes the realization that she hasn't been sober for quite some time now. She is feeling old, looking into the mirror briefly before trying to brush her teeth she becomes aware that she looks as old as she feels. Lexi is only in her early twenties, but life has been hard, and it shows. Turning on the water for a hot shower she stumbles over the pile of filthy clothes on the even filthier bathroom floor. Nicotine stains the walls of the apartment and there are empty bottles of various liqour on the floor. The carpet is strewn with papers and clips and bongs made out of beer cans. In the refridgerator is an old hamberger wrapper and a bottle of ketchup. Roaches scurry along the counter tops and manage to run over several lines of cocaine.
Loud pounding on the bathroom door wakes her from far away thoughts. "Lexi! Damn it! Hurry up. I have to piss!" It's her boyfriend Seth. If she took any longer it could trigger a violent temper tantrum, the kind that left her trying to cover bruises with make up. Washing vigorously, she shampoos her hair with the sliver of bar soap left from the last hand out the shelter had given her. Quickly shaking dry she reaches for the dirty clothes on the floor. Rifling through the pile she grabs a pair of jeans that seem to show the least amount of dirt and a see through blouse with only one button left at the breast.
"Lexi! Stupid bitch, hurry up!" Seth's demanding was becomming more violent and she knew she needed to get out of the bathroom. Opening the door, he shoved past her. It was nearly ten o'clock at night and he would be wanting her to get down to the street to pick up as many tricks as she could. Grabbing a half full bottle of wiskey she shoved a joint in her pocket and took a long drag from the bottle. The apartment was devoid of furniture accept for a sleeping bag in the corner that Seth sometimes let her share. Standing in the middle of the room waiting for him to walk her out to the alley, Lexi stood, thinking. Usually she didn't let herself think about the reality she found herself in now. It all happened so gradually and now it was an impossibility that things would ever be different. Lexi was certain she would just age more and more untill finaly she would decide to overdose and sleep forever. She had seen it happen many times before. Women who were once beautiful and at the "top of the street" so to speak, it drains a person, drains you untill there is nothing left but a thread of spirit. When that happens, there is only one thing to do, and you just do it.
She had met Seth at the last shelter she was in and he had made her a bussiness offer. Considering she had no where else to go and no money, being taken care of by a male was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. A roof over her head and a meal every now and then was a profitable future for a girl like herself. The hardness of life on the streets ment you never wanted to go it alone, especially if you were a woman.
"Seth can we get somethin' to eat, I'm starvin'" It had been a couple of days since they had eaten last and Lexi's stomach was in knotts.
"You'll get to eat as soon as you make me a hundred dollars, and not before. Now get out there and walk." Seth walked her down to the alley behind their place and stood by a street light smoking a cigarette. One by one cars would drive up and down the street looking for girls, Lexi would walk up and down the sidewalk making herself available. It's amazing how a woman can use her body to sexually attract. It's like a silky trail of honey perfuming the air with sweetness. The flies can't resist it, and so it is with horny men. Mesmerised, patheticaly, magneticaly drawn to the sensuality of a woman's body. It never failed to amaze her how readily men would pay for sex. They obviously were capable of having wives and girlfriends or even just picking up a one night stand. What the hell were they thinking, paying for sex! It boggled her mind, yet there she was every night for the past four years walking up and down making money, for such a little thing. The night wore on and the two grew tired. The early mornig hours before dawn can make a person more than just tired. There is a fear and deppression that come with them and the only escape is in the stupor of the chemical high.
Curled up in the corner of their apartment Lexi wonders if tonight should be the night. The endless days stretched out before her, the same voilence, the same filth, the same empty void that passes as a shadow of life. "Hmmm... maybe tonight I'll just sleep... forever..."


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