Wednesday, December 08, 2004

My Kindred Spirit

Okay, so today, when I was suposed to be working I was actually watching The Lord of the Rings. Now that the Return of the King has come to cable I am using that as an excuse to watch the trilogy again. I have watched it so many times now I've lost count. So, it just suprises me every time that I come away from it completely in love with Boramir. Hands down, he's my favorite. In fact, I think Boramir and I are kindred spirits, and if I thought he would have me...
Well, let's just say, in my next life I want to be his woman. It has been such a long time since there has been a character that has touched me like this one. Tolkien has written this character so well that I never fail to be taken along with Boramir in his journey of self-discovery. I like everything about him. I like his strength, his inner turmoil, his self-doubt, his determination...

You name it I love it!

Isn't it one of the finest pleasures in this life to read. I'm thankful everyday that I have the capacity for learning and imagining. To actually think you are trekking through space or solving a great mystery or riding across the wilderness in search of who knows what, how cool is that. Words can bring you to tears, or make you enraged and full of violence. They can be sensual and seductive. Words. What charm they hold over our minds, and how painful it can be when they cut us. Most of us who write, and all of us who speak should be so very careful with every, single, little word.


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