Tuesday, December 07, 2004

"Umm...yeah, is that a pine needle in your hair?"

Okay, I am officially taking a break from Christmas, yep... a five minute break.

I have taken out the Christmas music from my CD player and repaced it with a burned copy of Zepplin my brother made me and I have turned the speakers up as loud as they will go.

Just a second while I decompress...

Maybe a fifteen minute break...

Okay, so to say the phrase, "Tree from Hell" might come close to describing the afternoon I just spent, or rather, wasted. Every year I do the whole thingy you know; tree, lights, stockings, fudge, shopping, turkey. I do it lovingly and mostly with such a greatful heart that even Santa must be proud. I was working this afternoon on lights, we bought new ones this year and I started the project so very excited to see the end result. Yeah. That was about two hours ago. After careful placement making sure every blulb was in just the right spot for maximum effect, because I am a perfectionist...I know what you're thinking, just nevermind, we digress. I am now at the end of my toil left with, yes a drum roll please... A FREAKIN' FEMALE END.! %#$(*

The only thing, and I mean the absolute only thing that is keeping me from violently shooting hot molten lava out of my mouth...is the fact that I am having a great hair day today and I look particularly hot. God I love good hair days.


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